Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Ex-Pat transition begins

The Wife and I had been talking for years of moving outside the U.S., at least for a while.  As with many ideas people think and talk about this concept seemed destined to be an aspiration and never a reality.  Then it happened, and in less than six months we went from a concept to living in Zürich.  We know the road will be windy, and rough in ways we cannot anticipate at this time, but we are ‘all in’ and ready to see where this ex-pat path takes us.

We are now in week two of living in Zürich.  A year ago we owned two automobiles, today we own none.  Two weeks ago we were ensconced in a house we have called home for over 12 years, but today other people, renters, are taking comfort within those walls while we search for an apartment or flat here to work on making our home.  As we prepared for this transition, as much as one can prepare for a life change of this magnitude, we worked to shed as many possessions as we could and lighten our footprint. 

We understand this path we have chosen will be twisty with rough spots we cannot imagine or foresee.  But we are ‘all in’ and ready to take this on head first.  We will try to document as much of the process, challenges, surprises, failures, and successes as we can.  And along the way we will add bits on the trips we intend to take as we use this location as a jumping off spot to explore this small continent.  It is time to get moving on this!

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